Monday, June 8, 2009

Follow ur Heart... Its alwaz Right!

Life is not really unpredictable. We alwaz know what is going to happen deep within. Its just that we don't accept it with open arms. Sometimes, because we want more, or we want better or we want everything to happen as per our wishes!

But as they say, its all already predicted! Life is already carved and we just have to follow! Every sunshine is followed by rains which in turn is followed by sunshine again!

But all of this written and told, we should never 4get that its our life! We own it and we rule it! No boss, teacher, parents or ne1 else should manipulate us! We are answerable to our life! Its glory and the path that it will tread! Follow your heart, listen to it! If it says, do this - Do it! Don't worry of anything else. No 1 can hold u responsible for listening to your heart. Your heart knows how to make you happy; N that will in turn help u live better! Suppose u want to spend time with ur family but ur boss haunts u all the time, its a waste of Life! When with Family, B with them! Bosses come n go, family does not!

My heart told me to choose freedom over any bonds in life! But may b I m too weak to do it. Its definitely takes courage to do it; to listen to ur heart! N follow it. But once we do it, its a bliss! U start to love urself and the next time, u have any doubt, u will b able 2 get answers quicker and better. As they say, Its not easy to b courageous but its difficult to b a loser!

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