Yup, thats true! It was the day I met him!
I know him since I was a baby! Yes, he is always around! Though I knew him, his achievements, his fan following, I was never so fond of him. For me, Rahul always took precedence over any guy in my life! (well, he still remains my favourite male!!) I never understood why people are so mad about him. There are many players equally great, equally talented, some even more talented. They all deserve same respect, dont they??
I would feel people have biased opinions for him. Everyone thought for him with only their hearts, keeping their minds aside. Why would anyone give a mortal so much importance? Its his job to play. He is doing it amazing. So, every business has 1 lion, 1 tiger and many deers! Well, I thought I was been impartial. Hell!
And now, why have I added this mortal human to my list of inspirational people?? (Yes, I have! Verify, If u want to!) Well, there is a big description coming up! Get urself belted to ur seat! I am sure u wanna read this 1!
Coz that human is beyond mortals. He is the only person to be called the Almighty! He sets the heartbeats racing till date for the game. He is the reason for lacs to watch the game! And here it goes.................
It was 6th May, 2011, friday!
I got up, played with colors on canvas, took the long walk back home! It was a casual day - watched 3 movies together on TV. The only difference was - I didnt know which were those movies. I didnt know what time I got up. I didnt remember if I ate breakfast. I didnt recollect if I was breathing right.
Yup, I was waiting for the confirmation call. The call that would tell me that yes, u are going to meet them! Ultimately, after 6.5 hours of waiting, my enthusiasm was dying snail ways! I had given up on high hopes and there was a plummet!
I checked the fone every 3 min since 6:30 AM to 1 PM. Finally, Mom realised I need to eat. (Mom's just know u so freakin' well)!! She served me lunch (yes, I was too depressed to even get out of my couch). Mom gave me a big hug and said "if u r destined for it, u will get it!"
And the phone rings!! Damn! Even GOD listens to mom's!!! And I my mind starts. Ting-ting-ting!! What time, where, how!! And then came the most important doubt of my everyday life "What do I wear??"!! (Only a girl would understand the seriousness of this question!!) Yes, after 20 minutes of wardrobe-staring, I finally asked a friend to select the colors. Then, GOD knows what stuck my head that I decided to wear my lucky shoes. Damn, those lucky ones are 4 inches high heels and sexy too!!
After long battle of confusion, I was finally set for thr big event.
Then, my journey starts. Ofcourse I had to reach on time. It was the day I waited for a long time. I reached BEFORE TIME!! (Never have I reached anywhere on time, in my life!!). But I managed to reach the destination before time!! Kudos to me!! achievement!!
And what happened there....????? Its just the history...
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